About Nyamasi Roselle

At Nyamasi Roselle Co. we offer a carefully selected range of natural and organic Hibiscus products.

We trial all our products and only sell those that we use and love ourselves. Our commitment to quality and providing our customers with expert guidance and customer service is what sets us apart from others in our industry. We use the best of what nature has to offer to make our products vibrant and intense in colors and flavors. The healthful benefits of Roselle and what they can do to improve your wellbeing is our speciality and we look forward to serving you.


Our Community

We are a group of like-minded people who are passionate about health and protecting our planet.

We do an independent evaluation to ensure that what we are providing genuinely meets our rigorous standards. We validate our products integrity in several ways;

  1. Label verification – by having the product independently laboratory tested
  2. Conducting audits to ensure codes of conduct are being met
  3. Visiting raw material suppliers confirming the source of ingredients and that the growing, harvesting and processing of raw materials meet our sustainable, ethical and organic requirements.
  4. Conducting customer reviews to ensure that the product meets taste and lifestyle value that we set out to achieve. By conducting our thorough product testing, auditing and reviews this ensures that you can be confident that the products that you purchase on this site are healthy, sustainable, ethical and of the highest quality. This means no hidden nasties, no chemicals, no artificial sweeteners, no artificial colours, no preservatives, no hormones and non-GMO. All those things that shouldn’t be in our food or on our bodies!!



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Our Team

Our team is a replica of a tripod stand of which if one leg is gone the other two cannot stand. It consists of a chain of suppliers, workers and customers. These three group of people work together to ensure the continuity of our brand.

Our suppliers are selected based on social and environmental criteria. We ensure that what they supply is organically produced since we are an environmentally responsible company ourselves. The suppliers are mainly small scale service providers to ensure that we contribute our quota to the sustainability of SMEs and start-up enterprises. we prioritize disadvantaged suppliers such as indigenous people,unemployed youths, physically challenged individuals, and lots more.

Our workers are group of motivated individuals who love what they are doing and try to input their best all the time. We provide healthy working condition and ensure they are well remunerated for the service they offer to us. Our workforce predominantly consists of women (80%) who are technical specialists in their field. We ensure that all our staffs have access to important information in the language they understand and policies are put in place to check discrimination and harassment.

Our customers. We only choose purpose oriented group of people who prioritize the health of the people and a safe planet for everyone. We focus on the disadvantaged groups such as the unemployed youths and the poor to help them make a substantial living by selling our products to them.
